If you want your book to have professional and polished look, make sure it's edited by a professional editor who has experience in your book's genre.
Even experienced editors need someone to edit their work. As an author, it’s difficult for you to read your own work from the standpoint of an unbiased reader. Apps like Grammarly, though helpful, are no substitute for the well-trained eye of a professional editor. Of course, your book will never be perfect, but a professional editor can get you pretty close. Finding an editor who specializes in your book’s genre is key. For example, if you’ve written a children’s book, then you need an editor who will ensure that your book is written specifically for a young audience. There are different types of editors.
In Developmental Editing, the editor will check for flow, consistency, and if elements, like context, need to be added in certain places for the story to make sense.
Then there is the Copy Editor, whose focus is making sure that your spelling and grammar are correct.
Finally, the Proofreader provides a final quality check before your written work is made available to the public.
Some editors provide all three services, while others may only provide one. Make sure you know which service you’re getting from your editor. Regardless, every book should be proofread before publication. Editing costs vary depending on the type of editing and the editor’s skill level. Some editors charge by the word, page, or by the hour. Of course, the bigger the book, the bigger the cost. The Editorial Freelance Association can give you an idea of how much you’ll likely spend on your project. https://www.the-efa.org/rates/ It may be tempting to skip this step, but editing is an essential element in the publishing process.