If you loved the first three Let’s Go Dreaming books by Author Shanita Allen, then you will love this new book, “The Famous Ari” as well! Ari and Pepper take us on another dreamland adventure where they meet interesting characters who have wonderful talents and jobs. Here they learn all about baking and art. But the real adventure isn’t learning how to bake or draw like them, it’s Ari discovering what her true talent is. She learns that while you can dream of becoming anything, it takes, practice, patience and determination to follow your dreams and make them come true!
I really enjoyed this book! As usual the illustrations are vivid and dreamy. This and the whole book series just reinforces in children that dreams are where we can do anything, be anything. But it doesn’t end there, because when we wake up, we can all do the work to make any dream a reality. Your dreams are just the beginning!
I can’t wait to see where Shanita takes us next!
You can get your copy at letsgodreaming.com or on Amazon today! be sure to leave a