As a child, I’m sure you looked around at everyone and everything around you and wondered what it all meant. You asked yourself, “Why am I here?” And for children born into not so fortunate circumstances, this is probably a question asked even more with an urgent need for an answer. Well, in Naomi Dunsen-White’s new book, “Why Am I Here? A Child’s Book About Purpose”, her goal is to give children direction towards their answer.
This empowering book is uplifting and hopeful in so many ways. It will inspire children to think and dream beyond their window, beyond their circumstance, providing them such powerful mantras as, “I am here to dream to learn and grow. I will go places near, far and wide. I have a purpose deep down inside.”
Coupled with the bright and bold illustrations of far and exotic places, different professions and happy diverse characters, this book drives home the message to each reader that they matter. That each of them have a purpose and all they need to do is dream, try and discover it. And while there may be obstacles, with hard work and determination ANYTHING is possible.
What an absolutely phenomenal message of hope for children! Don’t just purchase this for the little one in your life, but I encourage you to gift it to any child whom you feel this book’s message would make a huge difference in their life.
To purchase your copy and learn more about how you can donate a copy or copies to classrooms and organizations in need, please. go to naomibooks.com.